Treatment for Psychotic Disorders
A Psychotic disorder can be a lifelong mental health condition that causes distress for both the person affected by the disorder and their loved ones. Fortunately, when treatment is provided in a coordinated and timely manner, people with a psychotic disorder can go to school, maintain jobs, and regain independence. The team at Solrei Behavioral Health offers comprehensive care for patients and families affected by schizophrenia. Contact the practice in Orlando, Florida, by phone to set up a consultation or book online.
What is a psychotic disorder?
Psychotic disorders are severe mental disorders that cause abnormal thinking and perceptions. People with psychoses lose touch with reality. Two of the main symptoms are delusions and hallucinations. Delusions are false beliefs, such as thinking that someone is plotting against you or that the TV is sending you secret messages. Hallucinations are false perceptions, such as hearing, seeing, or feeling something that is not there. Schizophrenia is one type of psychotic disorder. People with bipolar disorder may also have psychotic symptoms. Other problems that can cause psychosis include alcohol and some drugs, brain tumors, brain infections, and stroke.
According to National Institute of Mental Health, precise prevalence estimates of schizophrenia are difficult to obtain due to clinical and methodological factors such as the complexity of schizophrenia diagnosis, its overlap with other disorders, and varying methods for determining diagnoses. Given these complexities, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders are often combined in prevalence estimation studies. A summary of currently available data is presented here.
Across studies that use household-based survey samples, clinical diagnostic interviews, and medical records, estimates of the prevalence of schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders in the U.S. range between 0.25% and 0.64%.3,4,5
Estimates of the international prevalence of schizophrenia among non-institutionalized persons is 0.33% to 0.75%.6,7
Symptoms may include:
Delusions — having false, fixed beliefs, despite evidence to the contrary
Hallucinations, such as hearing voices or seeing things that aren't there
Impaired communication and speech, such as being incoherent
Bizarre or unusual behavior
Symptoms of depression, such as feeling empty, sad or worthless
Periods of manic mood, with an increase in energy and a decreased need for sleep over several days, and behaviors that are out of character
Impaired occupational, academic and social functioning
Problems with managing personal care, including cleanliness and physical appearance
What are some causes of a psychotic disorder?
Psychosis is a symptom of psychotic disorder. There is no one cause of psychosis. Psychosis appears to result from a complex combination of genetic risk, differences in brain development, and exposure to stressors or trauma. Psychosis may be a symptom of a mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or severe depression. However, a person can experience psychosis and never be diagnosed with schizophrenia or any other disorder.
For older adults, psychosis symptoms can be part of a physical or mental illness that emerges later in life. Psychosis can also be a symptom of some diseases of older age, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and related dementias.
Other possible causes of psychosis include sleep deprivation, certain prescription medications, and the misuse of alcohol or drugs. A mental illness, such as schizophrenia, is typically diagnosed by excluding these other causes.
Risk factors may include:
Having a close blood relative — such as a parent or sibling — who has schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
Stressful events that may trigger symptoms
Taking mind-altering drugs, which may worsen symptoms when an underlying disorder is present
How do you treat a psychotic disorder?
Antipsychotic medicines, also known as neuroleptics, are usually recommended as the first treatment for psychosis. They work by blocking the effect of dopamine, a chemical that transmits messages in the brain. However, they're not suitable or effective for everyone, as side effects can affect people differently.
Our Services
We all have unique needs and and at times need help. Solrei Behavioral Health focuses on creating individualized treatment plans in order to improve mental health. Our compassionate care guarantees comprehensive support. Learn more about some of our most common services.
“Mental health…is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.”
- Noam Shpancer, PhD